Call to Action

​​​​Amateur Videographers - Individuals to shoot & edit Flashmob 

                                           Practice Sessions.
Customer Support – Individuals to assisting participants with any                                           concerns they may have.
Data Collector - Individuals to collect and compile data for musical                                  score.
Event Registration - Individuals to check-in participants during                                              rehearsal & on the day of performance.
Flash Mob Assistants - Individuals to assist participants with Flash                                            Mob Instructors directions.

Technical Support - Individuals to work with computer software                                            applications.  



Positions Available 




Job Description

The Flash Mob Instructor/Choreographer will create routines for performers in the dance competition using the selected musical score, as well as, instruct the performers in the dance performance.

Job Duties

In creating the dance routine, Flash Mob Instructor/Choreographer will meet with PIZZAZZ CEO to learn more about the production and begin brainstorming ideas.

After the routine is created, the, Flash Mob Instructor/Choreographer teaches the steps to the performers at three (3) two hour-rehearsals in one Washington, DC Ward area. Flash Mob Instructor/Choreographer may demonstrate routines by performing the dance themselves. After showing the dancers the steps, the Flash Mob Instructor/Choreographer will   help them perfect the movements, technique and timing. During rehearsals, the Flash Mob Instructor/Choreographer may make changes to the routine and then instruct the performers in performing the changed routine.

Salary is negotiable.  

To apply for paid positions
